Saturday, August 3, 2013

Cellphone lock-up

In the past I have suggested that young people  are too addicted to their cell phones. In spite of being prohibited from using them at work or in school, they are obsessed with texting and attempt to hide what they are doing so they won't get caught. As punishment, the offending cell phone user could have their smartphone secured in the EB Brands Cell Lock-up. It's the perfect punishment - a cell phone jail.

It can be purchased for less than $20.00 at and other websites. Prices may vary.

The timer can be set for 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes. A"Breakout" alarm sounds if lock up is opened prematurely. At the end of the lockup, various phrases will play like:  "You Are Now Free To Phone", "Justice is Served Power Up", " It's Time To Rejoin Digital Society".

Imagine, the perfect cell-phone addicted teen tormentor!

Have you got an uncooperative teen? A tantrum-prone techno-addict who uses their cellphone to ignore the world around them?

Sentence their cell phone to the Cell Lock-up. The following sentences might be appropriate:
  • 45 minutes: Clean up your room - must pass inspection before release.
  • 1-hour: Finish your homework - finished homework must pass muster and spot checks with teacher will ensure compliance.
  • 30 minutes consecutive: For each display of petulance, lack of cooperativeness, aggression, or other anti-social behaviour. Attitude changes mandatory before jail release.
  • 15 minutes: For swearing, answering back or making faces.
Be inventive. Compliance contracts could specify the level of adherence required, and also include a list of punishments doled out as the consequences for breaking these terms. Feel free to share your suggestions in the comments below.

To ensure maximum compliance in the shortest amount of time, cell phones should be left on in the cage so that offending teens can hear it ringing, buzzing and vibrating - but not able to see the display. This will be followed by begging, pleading, promises, crying and perhaps tantrums. But the timer is an objective, uncaring judge and will only release when the sentence has been served.

In future, simple threats of cell phone jail should ensure rapid and polite compliance with your meager, reasonable requests.

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