and remember what boredom there may be in silence with no phones ringing.
As far as possible, without exception,
be patient and empathetic with all persons.
Speak your truth calmly and clearly;
and be cheerful and pay attention to each customer,
even the belligerent, the frustrated and the angry;
they too have their story to tell.
Avoid giving loud and aggressive explanations;
they are troublesome to the caller and fellow workers close by.
If you judge yourself as better than others,
you may become arrogant, unproductive or hostile,
for there will always be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Cherish your achievements as well as your goals.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble or ambitious;
it is a real possession in the changing attitudes of business and subject to the fortunes of the time.
Exercise caution in your personal life,
for the world is full of deception and danger.
But let this not blind you to the benefits there are in true friendships;
many people strive for high standards,
and everywhere the world is full of heroes and people with dedication.
Be yourself - specifically do not fake pleasantness or affection.
Don’t be cynical about loyalty, friendship or love,
for in the face of all misfortune and disenchantment,
they are as recurrent and inspirational as a glowing sunset or sunrise.
Take kindly the counsel of your elders and gracefully surrender the toys of youth.
Others have walked the same path before you and can lead the way.
Nurture your own character strengths and build your friendships and family relationships
to defend from sudden misfortune and provide support in perilous times.
But do not worry yourself with dark imagination of pending disaster.
Many fears are born of ignorance, fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a discipline of punctuality and a daily goal of always doing better,
be gentle with yourself. Mistakes are lessons to be learned, not tools of torture.
You are a child of the universe, a personal with human failings and limitations
no less than the managers who supervise you, or the senior executives that command you;
you have a right to be here; the business has a right to expect you here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
your remuneration is rewarded as it should in full measure against your participation.
Therefore be at peace with your job, whatever that may be..
And with the company and fellow employees you work with, whoever they may be.
And whatever your efforts and objectives are,
in the constant noisy chatter of work life that surrounds your pod,
keep peace in your heart and stay clam in your soul.
With all its routine, drudgery, and broken dreams,
Your life is still a beautiful world, and having this job is better than having none.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. Smile and say “Thank you for calling..” to everyone you meet.
Then go home and release your pent-up frustrations by kicking the stuffing out of your teddy bear.
Rondyn Infoware Copyright © 2011 - all rights reserved.
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